Friday 24 April 2015

End of Term1 ANZAC stories

We are over half way through the term. Room 7 are now well along learning all they can about ANZAC and what it means.
Here are some  some examples of work we have done concerning ANZAC.

We are learning about ANZAC day.
The day before ANZAC day is poppy day.
The soldiers went by ship and train.
Every time in April on the 25 we celebrate ANZAC day.
They built trenches so they can hide and sleep in them.

They have got very special hats to protect them.
 By Caitlin.

We are learning about ANZAC  DAY.
The soldiers have guns and they went to the trenches they go on steam train
The soldiers they hopped on a steam boats. They go different countries to fight with pistols. They wear different metal helmets.

On ANZAC day people went to war long ago   and soldiers would fight in a very bad way. ANZAC it is a poppy day.

We are learning about ANZAC.
ANZAC is on the 25 of May. Heaps of people died. in world war 1 and world war They had heaps of  guns.   By Anson.


We also had a really cool set of discovery days. Here are some clay models made by Team 2 children during those sessions. The children used the first world war photos on display in the class room to use as models.

We are looking forward to being apart of our school ceremony in Term2.

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